Shockingly long since I posted. Actually having quite a lot of time off recently (ie. 'holiday'). We had the Cana week at St Gildas in Somerset which Christine and I were helping to lead, around 70 people (...including the women and children), went really well. Then a few days in Cornwall at Bob and Isabel's new house in St Mawes which is totally fab. They've spent a lot of time and money getting it just right ie. practically rebuilt it! Nothing like a bit of fresh air, long walks and canoeing...and lots of food and cups of tea, chats late at night looking at the full moon rising over the bay...
Tomorrow we are off to Holland for a community week (just me and Chris - John and Katy are staying at home). Et puis, le weekend du 9 Septembre nous allons en France pour le mariage d'un ami, pres de Lyon. Un petit weekend, moi, Christine et Katy. Katy aurait du partir 3 semaines en Suisse avec sa copine mais il s'est avere que la famille pensait qu'elles venait pour trois mois et il ne vallait pas la peine qu'elles viennent pour 3 semaines seulement! Bien entendu elle (Katy) etait decue; elle a sa propre passeport et elle voulait l'utiliser! Alors maintenant elle ira en France avec nous.
Things are hotting up for Clare's wedding - last minute arrangements coming together, detailed schedules with weekly deadlines and cutoff points (all organised by Clare and Tom). Chris bought her outfir yesterday (sorry, no pics until after the wedding!). And we have booked an amazing car (no, you'll have to wait!).
Anyway, the puzzle....shall we have an easy one? OK, maybe not. Apparently you can get this in about 2 minutes. I think 2 hours is more like it.
(x + y)^2 = (x + 3)(y - 3). x and y are integers (not necessarily positive). What possible values are there for x and y? (x + y)^2 means (x + y) all squared.
Tomorrow we are off to Holland for a community week (just me and Chris - John and Katy are staying at home). Et puis, le weekend du 9 Septembre nous allons en France pour le mariage d'un ami, pres de Lyon. Un petit weekend, moi, Christine et Katy. Katy aurait du partir 3 semaines en Suisse avec sa copine mais il s'est avere que la famille pensait qu'elles venait pour trois mois et il ne vallait pas la peine qu'elles viennent pour 3 semaines seulement! Bien entendu elle (Katy) etait decue; elle a sa propre passeport et elle voulait l'utiliser! Alors maintenant elle ira en France avec nous.
Things are hotting up for Clare's wedding - last minute arrangements coming together, detailed schedules with weekly deadlines and cutoff points (all organised by Clare and Tom). Chris bought her outfir yesterday (sorry, no pics until after the wedding!). And we have booked an amazing car (no, you'll have to wait!).
Anyway, the puzzle....shall we have an easy one? OK, maybe not. Apparently you can get this in about 2 minutes. I think 2 hours is more like it.
(x + y)^2 = (x + 3)(y - 3). x and y are integers (not necessarily positive). What possible values are there for x and y? (x + y)^2 means (x + y) all squared.